Looking for a new, nutritious product for your morning routine? Look no further! Clif Bar brought their high quality ingredients and turned them into a delicious granola. Made with whole grains, nuts, and seeds these tasty granola cluster pack 8 grams of plant based protein per serving. Not to mention it’s USDA certified organic and gluten-free! Inspired by their favorite Clif Bar flavors, Clif Energy Granola is a delicious new way to kick-start your morning. Clif Energy Granola is crafted to deliver sustained energy for adventures big and small.
Feed's Fave: Cinnamon Almond
How We Use It
We love to use Clif Energy Granola to top off our favorite breakfast foods with some quality nutrition. It’s great on top of yogurt, smoothies, pancakes, or even by itself with milk or your favorite milk alternative! The simple, easy to digest ingredients make it a great tasty pre-workout option if you tend to get sick of the same oatmeal, toast, etc.